一、 前言Preface
污水提升泵站压密注浆主要针对其基坑底板下部的约1.8m厚的粉土,因其底板呈阶梯部,部份土体滑动,造成部份底板与其下部粉土的分离,而形成空洞,目前通过现场勘察,因破坏处为16×3×1.8m。因而要求采用注浆方式进行土体加固。This plan is mainly aimed at about 1.8m THK powder soil in the bottom slab of foundation pit. As the bottom slab is in a step and part of the soil is slided, some slabs are separated from the powder soil. So the hollows turn up. After the site investigation, as the broken area is 16*3*1.8m, method of grouting should be adopted for the soil strengthening.
二、 压密注浆方法Methodology for Compaction and Grouting
该工程基坑底板现已浇注成功,依据现场的破坏程度及以往的施工经验,先通过人工方式在底板开孔,然后依据水灰比0.5~0.6的方案进行搅拌水泥浆,再将搅拌均匀的水泥浆用机械方式输入孔洞中,已达到加固地基土为目的。The bottom slab in foundation pit has been successfully placed. According to the damage degree and our construction experience, firstly we will make hole by manpower, secondly mix cement mortar in a water cement ratio of 0.5~0.6. Then cement mortar will be conveyed into holes by machine to meet the requirement.
三、 施工淮备Construction Preparation
1、 设置制浆站、加浆站尽量减少移动次数。Establish the mortar process station and adding station to minimize the times of removal.
2、 设备调试,检查设备运行的情况。Equipment commissioning. And check the running status for equipments.
3、 备料、搭建水泥存放点。Material preparation. And build the storage for cement.
四、 施工计划Construction Plan
1、 施工设备:水泥浆压力泵一台;泥浆搅拌桶一台;储浆桶一只;注浆杆一根;注浆管50m。Construction Equipments: One cement mortar pressure pump. One bucket for cement mortar mixing. One bucket for storage. One pole for mortar filling and 50m conduit.